What is SAFEonNET?

SAFEonNET® is your insurance against bad publicity and negative content about your company online

With SAFEonNET® you can insure your company’s name and reputation online. You can also insure variations of your company name, product brands and associated key people against bad publicity and negative content online, and in that way limit adverse effects on the company’s reputation and earning potential.

The purpose of SAFEonNET® is to help companies maintain their good reputation online.

Your insurance policy against damages to your company’s reputation

The purpose of SAFEonNET® is to help companies to maintain their good reputation online, to prevent decline in revenues and to preserve jobs. Negative publicity and content online may damage a company’s financial stability and reputation in the long term.

The aim of SAFEonNET® is not to bury all negative content, but to protect the proper function of businesses and jobs.

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